Equal Employment Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a fundamental principle at Saint John’s, where employment is based upon personal capabilities and qualifications without discrimination because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, gender identity, national origin or ancestry, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or any other protected status under the law.

We are strongly committed to this policy and believe in the concept and spirit of the law.

Saint John’s is further committed to ensuring employment decisions are based on valid job requirements. In addition, all employment actions, such as recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs and termination are administered fairly to all persons on an equal opportunity basis, without discrimination based on protected categories named above.

Saint John’s will not tolerate employees and applicants being subjected to harassment, intimidation, threats, coercion or retaliation because they engaged or may engage in filing a complaint or assisted in a review, investigation or hearing related to any federal, state or local law requiring equal employment opportunity; or because they opposed any act deemed unlawful. Saint John’s will provide qualified applicants and employees with disabilities any needed reasonable accommodations, as required by law.

Consistent with our core values of diversity and inclusiveness, Saint John’s will also make a good faith effort to accommodate an employee’s religious practices or beliefs when an employee makes a request. The Leadership Team of Saint John’s has overall responsibility for this policy. Employees’ questions, concerns, or a request for religious accommodation should be referred to their supervisor or member of the Human Resources Team. Appropriate disciplinary action may follow if an employee willfully violates this policy.



Consistent with its Equal Employment Opportunity policy, Saint John’s prohibits all forms of intimidation, harassment or offensive behavior, whether physical or verbal, based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, gender identity, national origin or ancestry, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or any other protected status under the law.

  •  Saint John’s will make every effort to provide a work environment (to include virtual environment) free from prohibited harassment such as sexual harassment and/or intimidation. Saint John’s will inform employees of their right to come forward to discuss any form of harassment or intimidation.
  •  Saint John’s will inform and educate all employees concerning harassment and provide ongoing communication about the policy prohibiting these actions.
  •  All members of management and supervision are responsible for the implementation of this policy and for ensuring all employees have knowledge and an understanding of the policy.

The policy also applies to the actions of executives, administrators, department directors, managers, supervisors, co-workers, residents, visitors, volunteers and other persons who may come in contact with employees.

Prohibited harassment and intimidation describe a broad range of behaviors, either physical or verbal which can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  •  Physical or mental abuse of any kind.
  •  Requests for sexual favors used either explicitly or implicitly as a condition of employment or to affect any personnel decision including, but not limited to, hiring, promotion, compensation or termination.
  •  Unwelcome sexual advances, gestures or touching (including, but not limited to, inappropriately staring at another employee or touching his or her clothing, hair or body). Sexual comments, jokes, stories or innuendos, asking personal questions about another employee’s sexual life.
  •  Whistling at another employee, asking out an employee repeatedly who has stated he/she is not interested, displays of sexually explicit or otherwise offensive posters, calendars or other materials.
  •  Any conduct which is sexually offensive or is offensive on the basis of other protected characteristics that has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, insults, slurs or jokes about a person’s mental or physical condition or disability, racial, ethnic or religious jokes, comments, stories or innuendo, display or distribution of racially, ethnically or religiously offensive materials.
  •  Retaliation against an individual for reporting harassment in the workplace or participating in an investigation of a harassment complaint.

These activities are entirely out of character with Saint John’s philosophy that all people are to be treated with dignity. This is a serious issue, not just for Saint John’s, but also for each individual who works at Saint John’s.

Harassment and/or similar activities which create a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment are specifically prohibited by Saint John’s. Any employee who engages in such harassment or retaliates against another employee because the employee made a report of harassment or participated in an investigation of a claim of harassment, is subject to immediate discipline, up to and including discharge. It is the responsibility of management, supervisors and all employees to ensure these activities do not occur.