For more than a century and a half , Saint John’s On The Lake has built a proud tradition, gracious lifestyle and confident vision of the future to enrich the lives of older adults.

What has evolved into the modern Saint John’s On The Lake would have astonished those pioneering Episcopal churchwomen who in 1868 had breathed life into the idea of a refuge for women whom society had overlooked, the poor and “friendless.” In the ensuing years on Cass Street, a different kind of service took shape, now for older women, widowed or otherwise lacking financial means. To describe it as a nursing home would have been unthinkable. Residents were afforded a special dignity; they were family. Their welfare was the focus of an involved community that took a vital interest in their lives. Residency broadened over time to include couples, skilled medical services were increased, and opportunities for learning and physical recreation steadily improved. In short, Saint John’s set a standard of personal care that meant residents in their later years might enjoy a full and meaningful life.

Our generous history of service, reputation for outstanding leadership and strong fiscal stewardship are hallmarks of our nonprofit community. These key attributes are just a few of the reasons Saint John’s continues to be a destination community for older adults seeking a lifestyle of distinction and opportunity.